60% of the time it works every time

P6 CrossFit – CrossFit

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2 Rounds:

Run 300m or 1:30 Ski/Row

5 Strict Pull Ups Into 10 Kip Swings

10 Inchworms

10 Deadbugs

60% of the time, it works every time (Time)

40/32 Calorie Row/Ski (OR 400m Run)

10 Bar Muscle Ups

40/32 Calorie Row/Ski (OR 400m Run)

10 Bar Muscle Ups


Target Time: sub 10 minutes

Time Cap: 15 minutes


We are mixing a hip opening cardio (Row) with hip closing gymnastics (Bar muscle ups) to build upon each other and see what we got!


Calorie Row: This should be aggressive pacing relative to you. Aim to finish each row in under 2 minutes. Sub equal number of Rowing calories for Ski Erg (actually programmed).

Muscle Ups: Sets should be aggressive as well. Stay disciplined with hitting your sets without a huge break built in (plan ahead).


Scale to finish near the target score:

40/32 Calorie Row (OR 400m Run)

10 Pull Ups + 10 Dips

40/32 Calorie Row (OR 400m Run)

10 Pull Ups + 10 Dips


3 sets

30-60sec Plank (elbows)

15 Barbell Bent Over Rows

10 Banded Upright Row

Cool down/Finisher

1:00 Lat smash R/L

2:00 banded lat stretch R/L

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