P6 CrossFit – Online Programing
2 Rounds:
1:00 High Knees
:30 Handstand Hold Or Plank Hold
10 Upward Dog to Downward Dog Transitions
Capitol Hill Bodyweight (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 10:00
50 Plate Hops/Line Hops
10 Hand Release Push Ups
This is a moderate time domain workout. Aim for 80% max capacity and maintain that throughout.
Aim for unbroken on both movements as long as you can.
Capitol Hill Minimal (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 10:00
50 Double Unders
This is a moderate time domain workout. Aim for 80% max capacity and maintain that throughout.
Aim for unbroken on both movements as long as you can.
Double unders: sub 75 single unders if needed.
Sub kipping handstand push ups or hand release push ups if needed.
3 Rounds:
10-15 Bent Over Single Arm Rows (R/L)
15 Single Leg Calf Raises (R/L)
:45 Side Plank Hold (R/L)
5:00 Corpse Pose
*If you’re able, find a quiet space and lay down flat on your back. Set a timer and focus on breathing deeply. During this time, recognize any thoughts that come to your mind. Any negative feelings that arise about yourself, the world, or others, let them go. Recognize that you are not attached to those feelings. Any positive feelings that arise, be grateful for them, and let them go. Focus on your breath! Post in comments how it went!