Clint Eastwood (Bodyweight)


Don’t forget to check out our 2021 Health and Fitness Challenge
Let’s get our 50 squats for our American Cancer Society fundraisers in within the class time! (can be part of our warm up, cool down, or if programmed then makes them count as well)
2020 Christmas and New Year Schedule

Thursday December 24th: 1 Class, Christmas WOD at Noon

Friday December 25th: Closed

Saturday December 26th: Closed

Thursday December 31st: 1 Class, END OF 2020 WOD

Friday January 1st: 1 Class, New Year WOD Let’s Bring in 2021 Right!

P6 CrossFit – Online Programing

View Public Whiteboard


3 Rounds:

1:00 Marching

20 Plate hops

4 Inchworms

Clint Eastwood Bodyweight (AMRAP – Reps)

10:00 AMRAP

2-4-6-8-10-12. . .


*10 Box jumps *STEP DOWN OR tuck jumps after each set of burpees

Athletes Notes


This is a climbing amrap. It goes like this, 2 burpees, 10 box jumps, 4 burpees, 10 box jumps and so on. Box jumps always stay the same while the burpees increase each set.

Keep consistent on the burpees.

Stand tall at the top of each box jump. If you aren’t able to do box jumps, sub tuck jumps.

Clint Eastwood Minimal (AMRAP – Reps)

10:00 AMRAP

2-4-6-8-10-12. . .

Single arm dumbbell devils press (50/35)

*10 Box Jump *STEP DOWN (24/20) after each set of Devils Press

Athletes Notes


This is a climbing amrap. It goes like this, 2 single arm db devils press, 10 box jumps, 4 single arm db devils press, 10 box jumps and so on. Box jumps always stay the same while the burpees increase each set.

Keep consistent on the single arm dumbbell devils press.

Stand tall at the top of each box jump. If you aren’t able to do box jumps, sub tuck jumps.



3 rounds:

10 Single Arm Dumbbell Sotts Press (Each Side)

10 Cat Cow Exercises

20 Supermans

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