P6 CrossFit – Online Programing
4:00 Clock:
20 Jumping Jacks
5 No Push Up Burpees
Dale Earnhardt Bodyweight (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Sets:
AMRAP 5:00
30 Mountain Climbers (Total)
20 Alternating Leg V-Ups (Total)
10 Chair Dips
-Rest 2:00 B/T Sets-
These are quick amraps focusing on close to unbroken reps! Utilize the rest between movements for rest.
Mountain climbers & alternating leg v-ups: aim to keep these sets unbroken.
Chair dips: I want to see good range of motion here! Break the sets smart to make that happen.
Dale Earnhardt Minimal (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Sets:
AMRAP 5:00
30 Mountain Climbers (Total)
20 Alternating Leg V-Ups (Total)
10 Single Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (10 each arm – 50/35)
-Rest 2:00 B/T Sets-
These are quick amraps focusing on close to unbroken reps! Utilize the rest between movements for rest.
Mountain climbers & alternating leg v-ups: aim to keep these sets unbroken.
Single dumbbell shoulder to overhead: complete 10 reps per arm each round. These can be strict press, push press, or push jerk.
Tabata (:20 on/ :10 off)
x 8 rounds
– Alternating Leg V-Ups
2:00 Couch Stretch (Each Side)