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The quarter and semifinals have ended, and now it’s time to enjoy the next few months. As we kick off July, many exciting things are happening in our space as the CrossFit Games draw near.
To commemorate July 4th, we will be doing our annual 10am Workout “America’s Birthday” and then sending everyone off to celebrate our Earned Freedoms with their friends and family as we will be closed Friday the 5th. We also have a great mix of Hero, Girl, and Functional pump-style workouts lined up for the next few months.
Once the CrossFit games have concluded, you will see some of the workouts and variations of the workouts scheduled in our class programming. We will be scheduling running workouts more frequently, and given the summer heat, we want everyone to remember how important adequate hydration is. Now, let’s gear up and get back to work!
“Time to Let Go” (8-Week Strength)
We’re entering the final two weeks of this cycle, which had a goal of gaining strength and power in our front squats and shoulder press, along with Olympic Lifting once a week rotating back and forth between Squat Snatch and Power Clean. One has be programmed as the strength, while the other has been implemented into one of the workouts for the week.
Final 2-weeks
Wk7 (July 1st Deload)
Day 1: 5×5 Front Squat (65%) (Super Set 1 Standing Broad Jumps after each set)
Day 2: 5×5 Shoulder Press (65%), 5 Negative Pull Ups after each set
Day 3: Heavy Single Power Clean
Day 4: July 4th
Day 5:
Wk8 (July 8th)
Day 1: Heavy Single Front Squat
Day 2: Heavy Single Snatch
Day 3:
Day 4: Heavy Single Shoulder Press
Day 5:
***At the conclusion of this strength cycle, we will take a 1-week break to deload and prepare for our next endeavor.***
Next Cycle: “All the Volume”
(9-Week Strength), beginning July 22nd
In this 9 week cycle, we will follow a modified version of the Wendler 5-3-1 cycle to improve power in our deadlifts and back squats.
After determining our “Heavy Single” in the first week, we will use 90% of that weight as our base weight for each session. Each lifting session will start with 10 reps to activate the leg muscles.
Example: Your heavy single in the back squat is 200 lbs, so you will use 180 lbs (90%) for your training-weight calculations. Therefore, all of your percentages each week will be based off of 180 lbs, not 200. We will go through this cycle twice. During the second round, you will add 10lbs to your 90% of their heavy single. So, if 180 lbs was your working weight (90% of heavy single), you would use 190 lbs as the base for the percentages.
For our Olympic lifting, we are introducing a classic Mayhem favorite, “Squats By Dre.” During these sessions, we will prioritize power and volume in the Power Snatch and Power Clean and Jerk, we’ll be working through moderate-heavy sets. To start, we’ll use the 6×6 (weeks 1 and 2) to establish an easy and consistent starting weight through single repetitions, NO touch-and-go!! We will incrementally increase the barbell weight by 5-10 lbs (total) for each Olympic session. Remember: We should only add weight if we can consistently demonstrate proficient movement across sets. As the sets progress, the number of repetitions will decrease, but keep in mind that we also need to consider the reduced time available to complete each set 😉.
Athletes who miss a week can take 5% off their lifts to stay comfortable and work with the class. If they miss finding their heavy single in a lift, they should do that before continuing with the progression in the following weeks, subtracting 5% as mentioned.
9-Week Layout:
Wk1 (July 22nd)
Day 1: Heavy Single Deadlift
Day 2:
Day 3: Heavy Single Back Squat
Day 4: 6 Power Snatch x 6 sets (every 2:00)
Day 5:
Wk2 (July 29th)
Day 1:
Day 2: 6 Power Clean and Jerks x 6 sets (every 2:00)
Day 3: Deadlifts 10@55%, 5@65%, 5@75%, 5+@85%
Day 4:
Day 5: Back Squat 10@55%, 5@65%, 5@75%, 5+@85%
Wk3 (Aug 5th)
Day 1: Back Squat 10@60%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 3+@90%
Day 2:
Day 3: 5 Power Snatch x 7 sets (every 1:45) + 5-10lbs from previous week
Day 4:
Day 5: Deadlifts 10@60%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 3+@90%
Wk4 (Aug 12th)
Day 1:
Day 2: Deadlifts 10@65%, 5@75%, 3@85%, 1+ @95%
Day 3:
Day 4: Back Squat 10@65%, 5@75%, 3@85%, 1+ @95%
Day 5: 5 Power Cleans and Jerks x 7 sets (every 1:45) + 5-10lbs from previous week
***Second time through starts Aug 19th week, so remember we’ll be adding 10lbs to our 90% going forward***
Wk5 (Aug 19th)
Day 1: 4 Power Snatch x 8 sets (every 1:30) + 5-10lbs from previous week
Day 2:
Day 3: Deadlifts 10@55%, 5@65%, 5@75%, 5+@85%
Day 4:
Day 5: Back Squat 10@55%, 5@65%, 5@75%, 5+@85%
Wk6 (Aug 26th)
Day 1:
Day 2: 4 Power Clean and Jerks x 8 sets (every 1:30) + 5-10lbs from previous week
Day 3: Back Squat 10@60%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 3+@90%
Day 4:
Day 5: Deadlifts 10@60%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 3+@90%
Wk7 (Sept 2nd)
Day 1: Deadlifts 10@65%, 5@75%, 3@85%, 1+ @95%
Day 2:
Day 3: Back Squat 10@65%, 5@75%, 3@85%, 1+ @95%
Day 4: 3 Power Snatch x 10 sets (every 1:15) + 5-10lbs from previous week
Day 5:
Wk8 (Sept 9th)
Day 1: Deadlifts 5@40%, 5@50%, 5@60%
Day 2:
Day 3: Back Squat 5@40%, 5@50%, 5@60%
Day 4:
Day 5: 3 Power Clean and Jerks x 10 sets (every 1:15) + 5-10lbs from previous week
Wk9 (Sept 16th)
Day 1: Deadlifts Heavy Single
Day 2:
Day 3: Back Squat Heavy Single
Day 4:
Day 5:
Gymnastics Cycle:
Once or twice a week, we will be providing gymnastic skill work to help coaches learn how to teach various gymnastic skills. We will not be sticking with the same skills for an entire cycle, but will instead be rotating through different skills to help both coaches and athletes excel across the board.
Known Benchmark Workouts:
We are programming 1-2 Hero/Girl Workouts a month. These will be varied and will not include the regularly scheduled memorial workouts (Murph, Chad, etc.). Some may be programmed as a Saturday workout option to allow for more time.