P6 CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Banded 7s: 7 reps of pronated Ts, supinated Ts, neutral Ts, diagonals/gators
2 Rounds:
2:00 Row OR 100′ Single Arm Farmer’s Carry R/L (moderate)
20 Ring Rows
10 Push Up to Downward Dog
Bench Press (Find a heavy to Max Bench Press)
Mew (Time)
3 sets (1 set every 6:00)
12 bench presses 50% 1RM (round down)
12 strict pull ups
24 push ups
100′ Heavy Farmer’s Carry: 2×70/53 Kettlebells
Target Time each set: sub 4 minutes
Time Cap each set: 5 minutes
We are honing in our upper body pressing muscular endurance (horizontal plane) and pulling muscular endurance.
bench press: This should be under 50% 1RM and done in 1-2 sets throughout
Strict pull ups: Aim for sets 2-3+ or quick singles
Push ups: pick manageable sets and go. The volume of these will add up
Farmer’s carry: use a heavy weight you can keep unbroken
The Scaling aim is to be able to keep bigger sets of bench and not stop moving on the other 3 movements
Scaling option to finish near the target score:
3 sets (1 set every 6 Minutes)
12 bench press 50% 1RM (DOUND DOWN)
8 strict pull up
18 push up
100’ Farmer’s Carry: 2×35/26 Kettlebells
Metcon (No Measure)
7 turkish get ups (light/moderate) R/L
14 Single Arm Kettlebell RDL R/L
21 weighted single leg glute bridge (light) (off a bench or box) R/L