P6 CrossFit – Online Programing
10 yd walk on toes
10 yd walk to toes backwards
10 yd walk on heels
10 yd walk feet turned out
10 yd walk feet turned in
10 yd lunge walk-arms locked out overhead
10 yd lunge walk – torso twist towards forward leg
10 yd butt kickers
10 yd high knees
10 yd bear crawl forward
10 yd bear crawl backward
10 yd lunge forward
10 yd lunge backward
Shoulder/hip mobility for dumbbell overhead squat if needed!
Nasty Nancy Ish Bodyweight (Time)
3 rounds:
300m run
30 Alternating Stepback Lunges
15 Burpees
This is a longer time domain workout. Stay tough!
Stand tall on the alternating stepback lunges. Aim for unbroken sets each round.
Keep moving on the burpees and make sure to open the hips at the top of each rep!
Nasty Nancy Ish Minimal (Time)
3 rounds:
300m run
15/15 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squats (50/35)
15 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
This is a longer time domain workout. Stay tough!
Recover as best you can on the run!
Complete 15 reps per arm on the single arm dumbbell overhead squat – break it up however you want as long as you complete 15 reps per arm.
Keep moving on the burpees!
3 Sets:
10 Bulgarian Split Squats (each side)
10 Cat Cow Exercises
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Tempo Bench (each side) (2 second down and 2 second up)
Bonus Stretching
1:00 Calf/Achilles Stretching/Rolling Out
1:00 Pigeon Stretch (Each Side)