P6 CrossFit – Team WOD
Basic Warm-up (No Measure)
200m run
10 air squats
10 pvc pass-throughs
10 figure 8’s
10 walking spidermans
10 russian baby makers
10 push-ups
10 v-ups
Sled Dogs (Time)
For time, with a partner:
2,000m row buy-in
30 Thrusters (95/65)
20 Sled Pushes (/)
10 Rope Climbs
20 Sled Pushes
30 Thrusters
*1 sled push = 50ft (all the way down the green in one direction)*
Scaling Options:
Thrusters: less weight
Sled: less weight
RC: 2x body pulls
*I’d prefer that everyone row, but if you can’t due to injury scaling is as follows:
Row: 4,000m bike, 1,600m run, 1,800m ski