P6 CrossFit – Online Programing
3 Rounds:
30 Plate Hops
15 Hip Bridges
5 Push Ups to Downward Dog Pose
TNT/Bodyweight (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 10 MInutes
10 Box Jumps OR Tuck Jumps
10 Push Ups
10 Alternating Leg V-Ups
Athletes Notes
This is workout is all about consistency. Go out at 75-80% of your max capacity and aim to maintain that throughout.
Box jumps: If you have a box, use it! All reps are STEP DOWN. If you don’t have a box, sub in tuck jumps.
Push ups: Aim to keep these in 2-3 sets throughout. Scale to knee push ups or incline push ups if needed.
Alternating leg v-ups: Aim to keep these unbroken each set.
TNT/Minimal (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 10 MInutes
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Push Ups
10 Alternating Leg V-Ups
Athletes Notes
This is workout is all about consistency. Go out at 75-80% of your max capacity and aim to maintain that throughout.
Box jumps: If you have a box, use it! All reps are STEP DOWN. If you don’t have a box, sub in tuck jumps.
Push ups: Aim to keep these in 2-3 sets throughout. Scale to knee push ups or incline push ups if needed.
Alternating leg v-ups: Aim to keep these unbroken each set.
3 Sets:
10-15 Bent Over Single Arm Rows (Each Side)
15 Single Leg Calf Raises (Each Side)
:45 Side Plank Hold (Each Side)
1:00 Couch Stretch (Each Side)
2:00 Child’s Pose