P6 CrossFit – Online Programing
2 Rounds:
30 Plate Hops
10 Hip Bridges (2 sec pause at the top)
5 Push Ups to Downward Dog Pose
30 Handstand Hold/Plank Hold
Frosty the Snowman Bodyweight (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
3 Sets:
AMRAP 4 Minutes:
5 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Box Jumps *STEP DOWN Or Tuck Jumps
-Rest 2:00 B/T Sets-
Athletes Notes
These are quicker amraps aimed at quick and consistent movement while building muscle endurance on the push ups.
Hand release push ups: aim for unbroken sets here.
Box jumps: these are all step down focused on consistent pace and recovering the arms
Frosty the Snowman Minimal (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
3 Sets:
AMRAP 4 Minutes:
5 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Box Jumps *STEP DOWN Or Tuck Jumps
-Rest 2:00 B/T Sets-
Athletes Notes
These are quicker amraps aimed at quick and consistent movement while building muscle endurance on the push ups.
Strict handstand push ups: aim for unbroken sets here. If you are unable to do strict, sub kipping or hand release push ups.
Box jumps: these are all step down focused on consistent pace and recovering the arms
2 rounds
10 Bent Over Dumbbell Row (each side)
10 Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press (each side)
10 Seated Dumbbell Curl (each side)
10 Seated Dumbbell Tricep Extension (each side)
30 Achilles Stretch (Each Leg)
1:00 Pigeon Stretch (Each Leg)